Rules | 2025 Season

2025 Memberships are valid for all 2025 season events including the Finals event.
Memberships are available for purchase online. 

Memberships must be purchased up to 1 month after an event to receive credit for the event(Points and Leaderboard status).Please visit the Home page for more information.

To schedule an event, Please contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Section 1: Point Scoring

Point scoring will go as follows:
Each competitor will receive five points for every event they compete in.
First place winner will receive an additional five points.
Second and third place finishers will receive an additional three points.
Fourth and fifth place finishers will receive an additional two points.
Sixth place finishers and up will receive an additional one point.


During the 2025 season, For SPL (Sealed and Open Formats, Each Format Points are counted separately), you will need to collect:

  1. 100 points for an invite to the 2025 finals event for SPL/SPL Open. The cut off date to achieve points for the Finals is August 24th, 2025.
  2. 60 points must be collected in the class you wish to compete in at the finals event.
    Jumping classes will not be allowed to gain extra points at events during the season. Vehicles shall be classified into proper classes as per rules at each event, and may only compete in one class per event.
  3. 40 Points are required to qualify a vehicle for the finals event.
    If you choose to run multiple vehicles during the season the vehicle in which you choose to run at finals must gain at least 40 points by yourself during the season with the chosen vehicle.

BASSBRAWLIN and DEMO ANIMAL/BEAST/MONSTER and the 20Hz Turbulence: Formats will require collection of 75 Points per Format during the season for an invite to compete at the Finals Event for a Championship Trophy. Finals Points Qualification for BassBrawlin is not limited to 1 specific class, You may compete in multiple classes throughout the season to obtain your points, then still have choice of BassBrawlin classes at the Finals event.

POWERWHEELS: Format will require 40 Points during the season for an invite to the Finals Event.

The Finals Championship event for 2025 will include recognition of:
A. Over all point leader in SPL OR SPL Open. (Whichever is higher, points will not be added together)
B. Competitor and Rookie of the Year 2025.
C. TEAM CUP AWARD. Only the Top 5 Team members will be counted towards the cup, if a team does not have 5 members, 5 handicap points will be given for every member lacking. Points for the cup will be based off the following criteria for each team member:

- Finals Invite in any Format - 5 Points

- SPL, SPL Open,20Hz Turbulence or Demo Format Leaderboard rankings - 1st place - 5 Points / 2nd Place - 3 Points / 3rd Place - 2 Points (Highest Ranking on the leaderboard will be used. Only 1 Leaderboard placement per competitor will be used, getting multiple spots on the Leaderboard DOES not give you more team points)                                                                                           

- For every 25 SPL,SPL Open,20Hz Turbulence,BassBrawlin, OR Demo Points, 1 Point will be awarded towards the cup. Example: 78 SPL points would equal 3 Points towards the Cup, POINTS WILL NOT BE ROUNDED TO THE NEAREST 25!! The highest point total per format will be used per competitor, EXAMPLE: If a competitor has 86 SPL Points and 66 20hz Turbulence Points, ONLY the SPL points will count since it is the higher amount!!!                                    



Scoring at all events will go as stated:

Each competitor will receive two 30 second runs during the event (the Demo classes only receive 1 run). The two scores will be added to determine placement. This should eliminate some of the sand baggers from holding out. If for some reason you have a bad scoring run up to three additional runs may be purchased for a fee set forth by the head judge and/or the promoter prior the start of the event. These additional runs may be limited based on head judges ruling due to time constraints, weather and so forth. It is standard for the season ending Finals event to only have the standard two runs for scoring attempts.

Section 2: Judging & Judges

Specific judges are necessary for a multi-point event to qualify for record attempts and top twenty scoring.


2x event level Certified Judges:

United States/Canada


Bill Calhoun - NY

David Morrison - PA

Claude Boucher Jr. - Quebec, Canada


3x event level Certified Judges:

United States

Chris Johnson - NH 

Jason Rozelle - Newark Valley

Kenneth Peppin - Southern NY/NJ/PA/VA/OH (Multi Regional Judge)

Mick Casler - NY/PA/OH (Multi Regional Judge)

George Bell - MD/PA/NJ/VA

Adam Russel - West Coast

Brian Aubin - Virginia/NC

Sidney Woolcot - Ohio/IL/IN


Don Doyle -Toronto/Niagara Falls/Canada

Zamir Khan - Toronto/Niagara Falls/Canada




Finals Certified Judges:

Jeremy Smithers - North American Director/Head Judge

Leland Taylor - North American Judge

David Proulx - Ontario/Quebec, Canada

Sam Mueller - New England Director

Daniel Rochon - Quebec, Canada



  • Competitor must have a valid 2025 membership for any record to be posted.
  • Competition vehicle is to be registered or owned by the competitor/spouse/immediate family member/significant other/ or registered with NADBL as a Team vehicle.
  • Vehicle may not be ran in the same format by multiple competitors at the same event, and only 1 SPL class per event,(may run a non clamp class and a clamp class at the same event. Example: A competitor may run Pro 1 and the Wall 5500 class at the same event, however the points will not be added together, but seperate for class point purposes)
  • TermLab and SPL Lab will be the meters used at all key events for records and top twenty scoring by all certified judges.
  • Events not officiated or held by one of the key judges listed above, may be judged by any individual. Sound measurement equipment will be of their choice as well. No scores will be recorded for records at these events, point scoring will count.
  • Source material may come from a CD,DVD,USB,I-POD, Phone etc.
  • Swapping of equipment is only permitted if there is a failure of equipment, in that case item may be replaced by a product of equal or less wattage and must notify the judge prior.(a 10% wattage rating above RMS Value will be allowed due to different rating systems by manufactures). Also Equipment may be swapped between Formats, again the judge needs to be notified prior for approval. Example: a competitor may swap subwoofer and/or enclosures to go from SPL into the Demo Format, or add battery power to go from SPL to Bassbrawlin.
  • There is a page to track the points of each competitor with a current 2024 season membership. Entire score sheets must be filled out with name, vehicle, equipment, class, and signature for any type of recognition of scores and/or points. Any score sheets that are not legible for home office to compute may result in loss of points and/or scoring.
  • Honda CRX, Yugo's, and Fiat vehicles are only allowed to compete in a WooferCooker Pro or a Pro Class.
  • Commercial vehicles such as buses and ambulance style are allowed in the BassBrawlin and demo format only.

Section 3: Code of Conduct

  • It is in everyone's best interest to conduct their self in the best possible manner before, during, and after each event. Un-sportsman like conduct will not be Tolerated! If a competitor is disrespectful to a judge or fellow competitor, they will be warned, if the behavior continues they will be asked to leave the event. Multiple infractions will result in a ban!!
  • You will be responsible for anyone you bring along with you as well that is not a member of the team.
  • Be alert of everything surrounding you at all times, especially moving vehicles.
  • Driving a vehicle foolishly before, during, and/or while leaving an event will not be tolerated. Anyone who does not follow these rules will be dealt with on a one on one basis, and may lose their privileges being able to attend future events.
  • Injuring anyone by negligence in any way will be dealt with by the full extent of the law.
  • Please be careful and watch over others safety as well.
  • We ask that you please be respectful of fellow competitors while they are in the lanes and neighboring houses and businesses with your loud music playing throughout events.
  • Illegal Drug or Alcohol use or intoxication at events is forbidden.
  • We cannot state this issue enough....Safety comes first and foremost!
  • Hearing Protection may not be required at all times, but it is advised in vehicles producing over 140DB.

Section 4: Rules Intro.....

All rules online will be the current up to date rules. Rules printed online will overrule any other rules printed or verbally implied by anybody or anyone within the NADBL Judging Staff in prior circumstances. It is not in our intent to change any rules mid season, but in the case where there may need to more clarification a rule or rules will be cleared up more into detail.

Section 5: Rookie Division

Intent of this class is to bring newcomers to local events and our sport. By developing the Rookie class it is our intent to give each and everyone new to this sport a chance of competing without being discouraged from getting beat by someone with much more equipment or a seasoned veteran with a lot of knowledge and experience under their belt. Everyone at events are encouraged to talk with all rookies to make them part of the NADBL family. Rookies are our future for further growth to make this sport continue for years to come so we ALL can play in the future.

  • Rookie - Nonmembers/New(er) North American Decibel League Members - First year "newbies" and vehicles only, as well as individuals that have only attended a few events a year. This classification can also be decided by a show's promoter and/or the Head Judge or a member of the Judging team's knowledge of the competitor.
  • Prior year(s) NADBL Members - Anyone achieving 45 points or more in a single season within NADBL in any prior season will no longer be considered a rookie.
  • Anyone attending events within another organization in any prior season(s) and achieving 45 points or more in a season will not be considered a rookie.
  • Rookie competitors scores will consist of two 30 second scoring runs. Both scoring runs will be based on the highest peak reading of sound from the interior of the vehicle for the entire 30 second scoring run. Final total score will be the sum of the two 30 second Peak SPL readings.
  • For the 30 second SPL scoring run - The competitor's choice of music/track(s), straight test tones or sweeps are allowed to be used during this scoring period.
  1. Vehicle must have the ability to drive into judging lane by its own power.
  2. Prefab boxes and custom built enclosures are allowed up to 3.0 cu' of internal air space per woofer under 14.99" in diameter. 15" or larger drivers are allowed up to 4.0cu' of internal air space per woofer. The internal air space includes displacement for the driver. 
  3. A Single rounded port up to six inches in diameter is allowed for each sub woofer, or a single eight inch round port per PAIR of subwoofers. Slot ports are allowed in any size for each sub woofer.
  4. Windows must be able to move free of any obstruction from fully closed to fully open.
  5. Factory seats and seat belts must be in vehicle and fully operational.
  6. Any cutting of factory sheet metal or plastic paneling to gain more area is not permitted in the rookie classes. Examples of this are rear wall truck cut through, floor cut downs, side paneling in cargo area, under hood to allow a larger battery.
  7. Amplifier(s) are allowed up to a total maximum of 3000 watts.
  8. Unlimited number of capacitors, but no more than a grand total of 10 Farads.
  9. Limit of one original equipment sized battery in the factory location. Battery may be upgraded but it must fit in the stock battery location and no larger then 600 cubic inches. If the tray has been modified to fit the new battery then the competitor will need to be placed in a higher division.
  10. One auxiliary battery is allowed in the rear cargo area, no larger than 800 cubic inches in size (H" x W" X D").
  11. Any battery upgrades in the Rookie division vehicles must be from a product line(s) that are available through standard retail channels for resale to the general public (Lithium batteries are not allowed).
  12. Any battery in the vehicle will be considered as part of the charging system even if there are not any visible cables attached to them.
  13. Any non-sealed battery that gives off gases must be enclosed and vented to the outside of the vehicle for your own safety.
  14. All batteries must be securely fastened down whether they be in the original factory location and/or the cargo area of the vehicle. Batteries are not allowed in the passenger cabin/seating area.
  15. Voltage at amplifiers may not exceed 15.0 volts with vehicle running or shut off during a scoring run.
  16. Any competitors exceeding a 160db will be asked to control their system from outside the vehicle, whether it is by remote or some other type of means to control the sound. Infra red repeaters are available to allow addition range of wireless remotes. Once the car has registered a 160db reading at the event you will be asked to control the vehicle from the exterior on any additional runs. Any score of greater than 159.9db while inside vehicle for a second time at the same event will result in a score of a Zero. The intent of this rule is for your own safety. Headphones don't protect your chest, heart and lungs! If a competitor chooses to remain inside the vehicle, he/she must sit in the drivers seat only, in a normal sitting position. Only The Competitor running the vehicle may sit in, not a friend/teammate/spouse
  17. External stereo podiums are not allowed in any of the Rookie classes. Radio must remain in stock location or somewhere in the dashboard in a secure and safe location.
  18. Competitor may have up to ten persons holding vehicle during test runs.
  19. A total of only one person is allowed inside vehicle during testing run with proper safety equipment. Person must be seated in one of the front seats, or front bench seat.
  20. Spray Foam - Not allowed in excess of sound deadening rule of 1/4 inch behind the trailing edge of the B pillar; not allowed forward of trailing edge the B pillar. Absolutely no use of spray foam in HVAC ventilation or intakes from exterior of vehicle. This includes rear HVAC systems as well.
  21. Sound deadening may be used throughout entire car up to ¼ inch thick per panel. This includes any spot where a mixture of spray or sheeting is applied over the same area. 1/4 inch maximum thickness.
  22. All factory panels must seat properly into their proper original location. Any modification(s) to any panel or the vehicles metal based on judges ruling for the allowance of or additional sound deadening or spray foam/fill will not be permitted. Filling or sealing off an area or location where a fuel cut off switch is found or any other safety switch or device is not allowed. This also includes covering over the switch or device with a form of any mat material.
  23. Competitor shall be granted at least two runs per event. Up to three additional runs may be granted by the promoter, judge(s), and/or event host if time, weather, etc... allow adequate time for any or all parties wishing to have additional runs.
  24. Extended cab pickups and crew cab pickup may remove rear seat(s). Enclosure height may not exceed more than 30 inches; this includes any equipment attached to enclosure. Examples of anything attached to the enclosure means stereo equipment, props, legs or anything that comes in contact with the enclosure that gives it additional height beyond placing it on the floor or seat. An enclosure sitting on rear seat(s) will be measured for height from the lowest point of the vehicle floor behind the B pillar. The enclosure and anything attached to it cannot extend more than 25 inches from the furthest forward part of the factory rear window glass. Box must remain behind the B pillar. Box must be securely fastened. Sitting the box loosely to the rear seat will not be considered securely fastened. The vehicle will be moved to a higher class if the mounting of enclosure and equipment is not securely fastened down and cannot be securely fastened down for competition runs. The Second battery may be mounted in bed of vehicle for safety reasons. Please use proper insulation of wiring and fusing where necessary to protect yourself, your vehicle, and anyone else that may come in contact with your vehicle.
  25. Enclosures and all other stereo related equipment may not be taller than 25 inches from the HIGHEST point of the floor pan at the B-Pillar line, in the trunk and/or cargo area(30 inches for pick-up trucks). Equipment can raise above the bottom edge of the rear window in SUV or hatch back type vehicles. This includes any equipment attached to the enclosure related to the Bass reproduction. Examples of attachments are amplifiers, subwoofer surrounds/baskets/motors.All stereo equipment as well as power storage devices must remain within the cargo area or trunk. No stereo equipment or power storage devices may ever be forward of the "B" pillar at any time. Cargo area is the area behind rear seating, while some vehicles have floor cavities for storage, these areas will not be considered cargo area.
  26. Factory seals and gaskets must be in place in all doors, trunks, hatches, etc….
  27. Windows must be able to move free of any obstruction from fully closed to fully open.
  28. No form of tape or sealant is allowed internally or externally to seal any window/gasket/sunroof/door/trunk/hood/intake/firewall/vent/glove box/pocket/console/light/knob/handle/hatch.
  29. Headliner and carpeting is required for the entire vehicle as originally supplied from the factory or similar equivalency. This includes the cargo/trunk areas. All interior panels are also required as originally supplied from the factory or constructed from a material of a similar equivalency. This includes sun visors.
  30. Third or fourth row seating may be removed.
  31. Nothing may interfere with the correct placement of the sensor on the windshield.
  32. Sensor must be clearly visible from the outside during the entire judging run of 30 seconds.

Rookie Class:

  • Rookie Open: 1-450 sq"


Section 6: 3K Division (Clamp Class)

Intent of the 3k class is to give the everyday street bump guys and gals a place to compete against similar stereo setups within a set power limit, on a friendlier budget.

  1. Vehicle must also be able to drive into judging lane by its own power.
  2. Pre-Fab and custom enclosures are allowed but must remain in factory cargo area.
  3. All seats must be able to rest in their full upright position and lockable/latched.
  4. After market seating is not allowed. Both the seating and seat belts must be fully operational and securely fastened to government specifications. Original factory seating may only be replaced with equivalent style and shape seating.
  5. Windows must be able to move free of any obstruction from fully closed to fully open, Door panels may be altered to accommodate speaker pods for staging.
  6. All factory seals and gaskets must be in place in all doors, trunks, hatches, etc….
  7. Use of sound deadening or a spray foam/fill material may be used forward of the trailing edge of the B pillar up to ¼ of an inch in thickness. Unlimited use of sound deadening or spray foam/fill may be used behind trailing edge of B pillar. Use of spray foam/fill is allowed in between two layers of metal as made from the factory to fill voids. Use of spray foam/fill to fill voids between the vehicles metal and interior panels is not allowed more than the sound deadening rule allows. All factory panels must seat properly into their proper original location. Any modification(s) to any panel or the vehicles metal based on judges ruling for the allowance of or additional sound deadening or spray foam/fill will not be permitted. Filling or sealing off an area or location where a fuel cut off switch is found or any other safety switch or device is not allowed. This also includes covering over the switch or device with a form of any mat material.
  8. No form of tape or sealant is allowed internally or externally to seal any window/gasket/sunroof/door/trunk/hood/intake/firewall/vent/glove box/pocket/console/light/knob/handle/hatch.
  9. Vehicle's voltage at amplifiers may not exceed 15.5 volts with vehicle running or shut off during the entire testing run.
  10. A total of one alternator is allowed. Alternator may be upgraded from original size shape and output. Outboard voltage regulators are allowed, but must be in an easily accessible area for safety reasons.
  11. Any battery upgrades in the vehicles must be from a product line(s) that are available through standard retail channels for resale to the general public.
  12. There are no battery limits in the 3k class, as long as the voltage limit is not exceeded. Lithium and Super Caps are allowed
  13. Any battery in the vehicle will be considered as part of the charging system even if there are not any visible cables attached to it.
  14. Any non-sealed battery that gives off gases must be enclosed and vented to the outside of the vehicle for your own safety.
  15. All batteries must be securely fastened down in the cargo area.
  16. 3k Open class is allowed an unlimited number of amplifiers. Amplifier(s) are allowed up to a total maximum of 3,000 watts.  In addition to the rating, the 3k Open Class will have amplifiers clamped for power output. It is the competitors responsibility to maintain a wattage output under 3,000 watts. If the wattage output is greater then the 3,000 watts allowed, the score for that run will result in a 0. 
  17. Modifying amplifiers beyond original factory specifications is not allowed.
  18. Any cutting of factory sheet metal or plastic paneling to gain more cab area is not permitted. Examples of this are truck cut troughs, floor cut downs, side paneling in pickup trucks.
  19. A total of only one person is allowed inside vehicle during testing run with proper safety equipment in use. Person must be seated in one of the front seats, or front bench seat.
  20. Competitor may have up to ten persons holding their vehicle during test runs.
  21. Any competitors exceeding a 160db will be asked to control their system from outside the vehicle, whether it is by remote or some other type of means to control the sound. Infrared repeaters are available to allow addition range of wireless remotes. Once the car has registered a 160db reading you will be asked to control the vehicle from the exterior on any additional runs. Any score of greater than 159.9db while inside vehicle for a second time at the same event will result in a score of a Zero. The intent of this rule is for your own safety. Headphones don't protect your chest, heart and lungs! If a competitor chooses to remain inside the vehicle, he/she must sit in the drivers seat only, in a normal sitting position. Only The Competitor running the vehicle may sit in, not a friend/teammate/spouse
  22. External stereo podiums are not allowed. Radio must remain in stock location or somewhere in the dashboard in a secure and safe location. Use of remotes or volume knobs are allowed for external control of stereo system.
  23. Extended cab pickups and crew cab pickup may remove rear seat(s). Enclosure height may not exceed more than 30 inches; this includes any equipment attached to enclosure. Examples of anything attached to the enclosure means stereo equipment, props, legs or anything that comes in contact with the enclosure that gives it additional height beyond placing it on the floor or seat. An enclosure sitting on rear seat(s) will be measured for height from the HIGHEST point of the vehicle floor at the B pillar. The enclosure and anything attached to it cannot extend more than 25 inches from the furthest forward part of the factory rear window glass. Box must remain behind the B pillar. Box must be securely fastened. Sitting the box loosely to the rear seat will not be considered securely fastened. The vehicle will be moved to a higher class if the mounting of enclosure and equipment is not securely fastened down and cannot be securely fastened down for competition runs. The Second battery may be mounted in bed of vehicle for safety reasons. Please use proper insulation of wiring and fusing where necessary to protect yourself, your vehicle, and anyone else that may come in contact with your vehicle.
  24. Enclosures and all other stereo related equipment may not be taller than 25 inches from the HIGHEST point of the floor pan at the B-Pillar line, in the trunk and/or cargo area(30 inches for pick-up trucks). Equipment can raise above the bottom edge of the rear window in SUV or hatch back type vehicles. This includes any equipment attached to the enclosure related to the Bass reproduction. Examples of attachments are amplifiers, subwoofer surrounds/baskets/motors.All stereo equipment as well as power storage devices must remain within the cargo area or trunk. No stereo equipment or power storage devices may ever be forward of the "B" pillar at any time. Cargo area is the area behind rear seating, while some vehicles have floor cavities for storage, these areas will not be considered cargo area.
  25. Speaker upgrades forward of the "B" pillar for means other than sound staging are not permitted. If a judge feels that you are pushing the limits to gain additional SPL you may or will have to move up to a higher class/division.
  26. All equipment in the 3k Open division competitor's vehicle must be from product lines that are available through standard retail channels for resale to the general public.
  27. Third or fourth row seating may be removed for the 3k Open class.
  28. Headliner and carpeting is required for the entire vehicle as originally supplied from the factory or similar equivalency. This includes the cargo/trunk areas. All interior panels are also required as originally supplied from the factory or constructed from a material of a similar equivalency. This includes sun visors.
  29. Nothing may interfere with the correct placement of the sensor on the windshield.
  30. No form of tape or sealant is allowed internally or externally to seal any window/gasket/sunroof/door/trunk/hood/intake/firewall/vent/glove box/pocket/console/light/knob/handle/hatch.
  31. Sensor must be clearly visible from the outside during the entire judging run of 30 seconds.

3k Open Class:

  • 3k: Unlimited


Section 7: Woofer Cooker Division (Clamp Class)

Intent of the Woofer Cooker class is to give the everyday street bump guys and gals a place to compete against similar stereo setups within a set power limit

  1. Vehicle must also be able to drive into judging lane by its own power.
  2. Pre-Fab and custom enclosures are allowed but must remain in factory cargo area.
  3. All seats must be able to rest in their full upright position and lockable/latched.
  4. After market seating is not allowed. Both the seating and seat belts must be fully operational and securely fastened to government specifications. Original factory seating may only be replaced with equivalent style and shape seating.
  5. Windows must be able to move free of any obstruction from fully closed to fully open, Door panels may be altered to accommodate speaker pods for staging.
  6. All factory seals and gaskets must be in place in all doors, trunks, hatches, etc….
  7. Use of sound deadening or a spray foam/fill material may be used forward of the trailing edge of the B pillar up to ¼ of an inch in thickness. Unlimited use of sound deadening or spray foam/fill may be used behind trailing edge of B pillar. Use of spray foam/fill is allowed in between two layers of metal as made from the factory to fill voids. Use of spray foam/fill to fill voids between the vehicles metal and interior panels is not allowed more than the sound deadening rule allows. All factory panels must seat properly into their proper original location. Any modification(s) to any panel or the vehicles metal based on judges ruling for the allowance of or additional sound deadening or spray foam/fill will not be permitted. Filling or sealing off an area or location where a fuel cut off switch is found or any other safety switch or device is not allowed. This also includes covering over the switch or device with a form of any mat material.
  8. No form of tape or sealant is allowed internally or externally to seal any window/gasket/sunroof/door/trunk/hood/intake/firewall/vent/glove box/pocket/console/light/knob/handle/hatch.
  9. All Woofer Cooker vehicle's voltage at amplifiers may not exceed 15.5 volts with vehicle running or shut off during the entire testing run.
  10. A total of one alternator is allowed. Alternator may be upgraded from original size shape and output. Outboard voltage regulators are allowed, but must be in an easily accessible area for safety reasons.
  11. Any battery upgrades in the Woofer Cooker division vehicles must be from a product line(s) that are available through standard retail channels for resale to the general public.
  12. There are no battery limits in the WooferCooker class, as long as the voltage limit is not exceeded. Lithium and Super Caps are allowed
  13. Any battery in the vehicle will be considered as part of the charging system even if there are not any visible cables attached to it.
  14. Any non-sealed battery that gives off gases must be enclosed and vented to the outside of the vehicle for your own safety.
  15. All batteries must be securely fastened down in the cargo area.
  16. Woofer Cooker classes are allowed an unlimited number of amplifiers. Amplifier(s) are allowed up to a total maximum of 5,500 watts.  In addition to the rating, the WooferCooker Class will have amplifiers clamped for power output. It is the competitors responsibility to maintain a wattage output under 5,500 watts. If the wattage output is greater then the 5,500 watts allowed, the score for that run will result in a 0. 
  17. Modifying amplifiers beyond original factory specifications is not allowed in all Woofer Cooker classes.
  18. Any cutting of factory sheet metal or plastic paneling to gain more cab area is not permitted in all of the Woofer Cooker classes. Examples of this are truck cut troughs, floor cut downs, side paneling in pickup trucks.
  19. A total of only one person is allowed inside vehicle during testing run with proper safety equipment in use. Person must be seated in one of the front seats, or front bench seat.
  20. Competitor may have up to ten persons holding their vehicle during test runs.
  21. Any competitors exceeding a 160db will be asked to control their system from outside the vehicle, whether it is by remote or some other type of means to control the sound. Infrared repeaters are available to allow addition range of wireless remotes. Once the car has registered a 160db reading you will be asked to control the vehicle from the exterior on any additional runs. Any score of greater than 159.9db while inside vehicle for a second time at the same event will result in a score of a Zero. The intent of this rule is for your own safety. Headphones don't protect your chest, heart and lungs! If a competitor chooses to remain inside the vehicle, he/she must sit in the drivers seat only, in a normal sitting position. Only The Competitor running the vehicle may sit in, not a firiend/teammate/spouse
  22. External stereo podiums are not allowed in any of the Woofer Cooker classes. Radio must remain in stock location or somewhere in the dashboard in a secure and safe location. Use of remotes or volume knobs are allowed for external control of stereo system.
  23. Extended cab pickups and crew cab pickup may remove rear seat(s). Enclosure height may not exceed more than 30 inches; this includes any equipment attached to enclosure. Examples of anything attached to the enclosure means stereo equipment, props, legs or anything that comes in contact with the enclosure that gives it additional height beyond placing it on the floor or seat. An enclosure sitting on rear seat(s) will be measured for height from the Highest point of the vehicle floor at the B pillar. The enclosure and anything attached to it cannot extend more than 25 inches from the furthest forward part of the factory rear window glass. Box must remain behind the B pillar. Box must be securely fastened. Sitting the box loosely to the rear seat will not be considered securely fastened. The vehicle will be moved to a higher class if the mounting of enclosure and equipment is not securely fastened down and cannot be securely fastened down for competition runs. The Second battery may be mounted in bed of vehicle for safety reasons. Please use proper insulation of wiring and fusing where necessary to protect yourself, your vehicle, and anyone else that may come in contact with your vehicle.
  24. Enclosures and all other stereo related equipment may not be taller than 25 inches from the HIGHEST point of the floor pan at the B-Pillar line, in the trunk and/or cargo area(30 inches for pick-up trucks). Equipment can raise above the bottom edge of the rear window in SUV or hatch back type vehicles. This includes any equipment attached to the enclosure related to the Bass reproduction. Examples of attachments are amplifiers, subwoofer surrounds/baskets/motors.All stereo equipment as well as power storage devices must remain within the cargo area or trunk. No stereo equipment or power storage devices may ever be forward of the "B" pillar at any time. Cargo area is the area behind rear seating, while some vehicles have floor cavities for storage, these areas will not be considered cargo area.
  25. Speaker upgrades forward of the "B" pillar for means other than sound staging are not permitted. If a judge feels that you are pushing the limits to gain additional SPL you may or will have to move up to a higher class/division.
  26. All equipment in a Woofer Cooker division competitor's vehicle must be from product lines that are available through standard retail channels for resale to the general public.
  27. Third or fourth row seating may be removed for all Woofer Cooker classes.
  28. Headliner and carpeting is required for the entire vehicle as originally supplied from the factory or similar equivalency. This includes the cargo/trunk areas. All interior panels are also required as originally supplied from the factory or constructed from a material of a similar equivalency. This includes sun visors.
  29. Nothing may interfere with the correct placement of the sensor on the windshield.
  30. No form of tape or sealant is allowed internally or externally to seal any window/gasket/sunroof/door/trunk/hood/intake/firewall/vent/glove box/pocket/console/light/knob/handle/hatch.
  31. Sensor must be clearly visible from the outside during the entire judging run of 30 seconds.

Woofer Cooker Classes:

  • Woofercooker: Unlimited

Section 8: Trunk Division



Intent of the Trunk class is to give the extreme street bump guys and gals in a trunk vehicle a place to compete against similar stereo setups with unlimited power and cone area.

  1. Vehicle must be able to drive into judging lane by its own power.
  2. Custom enclosures are allowed but must remain entirely in the trunk area.
  3. After market seating is not allowed. Both the seating and seat belts must be fully operational and securely fastened to government specifications. Original factory seating may only be replaced with equivalent style and shape seating from Original Equipment Manufacturer.
  4. If the vehicles seat does not fold, or only has the "ski" opening, competitors are allowed to manually fold the rear seat down into the open position
  5. Windows must be able to move free of any obstruction from fully closed to fully open, Door panels may be altered to accommodate speaker pods for staging.
  6. All factory seals and gaskets must be in place in all doors, trunks, hatches, etc….
  7. Original or similar headliner, carpeting, and panels must remain in the passenger cabin. Trunk may be altered. This includes the carpeting on the side walls of the trunk and on the trunk floor.
  8. (2) Roof to floor bracing ("stripper poles") are allowed, with maximum pole diameter of 2 inches, and maximum mounting plates of 8"x8".
  9. Use of sound deadening or a spray foam/fill material may be used forward of the trailing edge of the B pillar up to ¼ of an inch in thickness. Unlimited use of sound deadening or spray foam/fill may be used behind trailing edge of B pillar. Use of spray foam/fill is allowed in between two layers of metal as made from the factory to fill voids. Use of spray foam/fill to fill voids between the vehicles metal and interior panels is not allowed more than the sound deadening rule allows.
  10. Any modification(s) to any panel or the vehicles metal based on Judge's ruling for the allowance of or additional sound deadening or spray foam/fill will not be permitted. Filling or sealing off an area or location where a fuel cut off switch is found or any other safety switch or device is not allowed. This also includes covering over the switch or device with a form of any mat material.
  11. No form of tape or sealant is allowed internally or externally to seal any window(s)/gasket(s)/sunroof/door(s)/trunk/hood/intake(s)/firewall/vent(s)/glove box/pocket(s)/console/light(s)/knobs(s)/handle(s)/hatch.
  12. Trunk vehicles must keep voltage at amplifiers no higher than 18.1 volts with vehicle running or shut off during the entire testing run.
  13. A total of two alternators are allowed. Alternator may be upgraded from original size shape and output. Outboard voltage regulators are allowed, but must be in an easily accessible area for safety reasons.
  14. An unlimited amount of batteries/cap banks/lithium are allowed in the cargo area of vehicle. Any non-sealed battery giving off gases must be enclosed and vented to outside of vehicle for your own safety if mounted within the passenger area.
  15. Any battery in the vehicle will be considered as part of the charging system even if there are not any visible cables attached to them.
  16. All batteries must be securely fastened down and properly vented.
  17. Battery Boxes are allowed.
  18. Trunk class is allowed an unlimited number of amplifiers. The total output of all amplifiers has no maximum wattage limit.
  19. Modifying amplifiers beyond original factory specifications is allowed in the Trunk class.
  20. Any cutting of factory sheet metal, flooring or plastic paneling to gain more area is not permitted in the Trunk class. 
  21. Any competitors exceeding a 160db will be asked to control their system from outside the vehicle, whether it is by remote or some other type of means to control the sound. Infrared repeaters are available to allow addition range of wireless remotes. Once the car has registered a 160db reading you will be asked to control the vehicle from the exterior on any additional runs. Any score of greater than 159.9db while inside vehicle for a second time at the same event will result in a score of a Zero. The intent of this rule is for your own safety. Headphones don't protect your chest, heart and lungs! If a competitor chooses to remain inside the vehicle, he/she must sit in the drivers seat only, in a normal sitting position. Only The Competitor running the vehicle may sit in, not a firiend/teammate/spouse
  22. Competitor may have up to ten persons holding vehicle during test runs.
  23. Any competitors exceeding a 160db will be SUGGESTED,NOT MANDATED, to control their system from outside the vehicle, whether it is by remote or some other type of means to control the sound. Infrared repeaters are available to allow addition range of wireless remotes. Headphones don't protect your chest, heart and lungs!
  24. External stereo podiums are allowed in the Trunk class. The source unit/Radio may remain in stock location or somewhere in the dashboard in a secure and safe location. The use of a remote or volume knob is allowed for external control of stereo system.
  25. Enclosures and anything attached must remain in the trunk, allowing the seat to remain functionable.
  26. The rear deck above the trunk may be modified for porting purposes. A maximum limit of a single port with a 12 inch diameter is allowed. Removal of any OEM factory located speakers in the rear deck is allowed. Deck may also be modified for cosmetic purposes, please contact a multi point judge for approval.
  27. All equipment in the Trunk class that is used in a competitor's vehicle must be from product lines that are available through standard retail channels for resale to the general public.
  28. Nothing may interfere with the correct placement of the measuring device and its placement jig.
  29. The testing sensor must be visible for the entire 30 second scoring run.

Trunk Class:

  • Trunk : Unlimited Cone Area/Unlimited Power



Section 10: Professional Class

Intent of the Pro classes are for the vehicles that are built beyond the Woofer Cooker Pro setup for electrical, interior, and/or enclosure purposes.

  1. Unlimited commercially available Amplifier Power.
  2. Vehicles may be towed to event. Vehicle must be able to drive into competition lanes on its own power.
  3. Stock interiors must be intact in front of B pillar. Door panels may be altered to accommodate speaker pods for staging(1" Build out not counting for Pods). Seats may be removed for the purpose of gaining more cabin area or to allow better movement of airflow towards the sensor on the windshield.
  4. Voltage must be 18.1 volts or less. Example: 18.100000001 is not allowed.
  5. No set limit on number of capacitors or storage sizes.
  6. Unlimited alternators are allowed in engine compartment. External voltage regulators are allowed. Modifying a battery tray to allow a larger battery is allowed.
  7. An unlimited amount of batteries/cap banks/lithium are allowed in the cargo area of vehicle. Any non-sealed battery giving off gases must be enclosed and vented to outside of vehicle for your own safety if mounted within the passenger area.
  8. Modified battery banks are allowed up to 18.1 volts.
  9. Battery Boxes are allowed.
  10. (2) Roof to floor bracing ("stripper poles") are allowed, with maximum pole diameter of 2 inches, and maximum mounting plates of 8"x8".
  11. Roofs, door jambs may not be altered from their original factory specifications.
  12. Center consoles are allowed up to 24 inches in height. Width is limited to allow for 2 factory equivalent seats to fit between console and doors.
  13. Podiums are allowed and recommended in the Pro classes.
  14. Any competitors exceeding a 160.0 db reading will be SUGGESTED, NOT MANDATED, to control their system from outside the vehicle, whether it is by remote or some other type of means to control the sound. Infrared repeaters are available to allow addition range of wireless remotes. The intent of this rule is for your own safety. Headphones don't protect your chest, heart and lungs! If a competitor chooses to remain inside the vehicle, he/she must sit in the drivers seat only, in a normal sitting position. Only The Competitor running the vehicle may sit in, not a firiend/teammate/spouse
  15. Competitor may have up to ten persons holding vehicle during test runs. Use of External/internal means such as bolting, is not permitted. Straps are permitted, but competitor will be issued a 7 minute set up period starting when the meter is placed, and a 7 minute lane exit. If Time limit expires, a score of 0 may be issued, at the judges discression. 
  16. Speaker enclosures and stereo equipment may be built to the front edge of the B pillar. Speaker enclosures and stereo equipment have no height limitations as long as everything remains within the vehicle and behind the front edge of the "B" pillar
  17. Rear seating is not required in the vehicle for competition purposes.
  18. Front seat belts are required if vehicle is driven to events, they may be removed during event for SPL runs. Seating may also be removed during testing runs. It is asked that you drive around at the event with a securely mounted seat in place for safety reason.
  19. Unlimited use of sound deadening or spray foam/fill may be used behind throughout the vehicle, as long as the vehicle maintains factory "look" and panels snap into place as intended. All factory panels must seat properly into their proper original location. Any modification(s) to any panel or the vehicles metal based on judges ruling for the allowance of or additional sound deadening or spray foam/fill will not be permitted. Filling or sealing off an area or location where a fuel cut off switch is found or any other safety switch or device is not allowed. This also includes covering over the switch or device with a form of any mat material.
  20. If equipped with a factory dashboard glove box, it must remain in vehicle and be operational to open and close freely. Glove box can be opened or closed during testing run.
  21. Reinforcement of "A" Pillars are not allowed by rules. The "B" Pillar may be altered and or reinforced.
  22. Original factory glass must be fully intact forward of the "B" pillar.
  23. Reinforcing of firewall or venting beyond factory specifications is not permitted.
  24. Side windows may be permanently sealed closed. Be aware if doors need to be checked for rules purposes in regards to sound deadening other means, judges may be need to see inside paneling and sheet metal such as tearing down of panels.
  25. Side windows and door jambs may be sealed with tape. Be aware if doors/windows need to be opened for rules purposes, tape may have to be removed.
  26. Any damaged glass prior to start of event must be presented to the head judge prior to the start of the event. It will be up to the head judge and the judging staff to allow a vehicle to compete with any broken or cracked glass during any part of the event. This may mean you will not be able to compete at any time during the event or it may limit you to limited runs at an event. Any damaged glass that occurs during the event must be presented to the head judge immediately and well prior to entering the judging lanes for any additional runs. If allowed to continue to compete, any and all damaged glass must be secured by some means for safety reasons and approved by the head judge and all members of the judging staff before being allowed to enter to judging area or judging lanes.
  27. Use of open or closed cell foams may be use in door jambs in addition to factory door seals for better sealing of doors.
  28. The foot well area cannot be modified beyond factory specifications.
  29. Factory floorboard modifications may only be altered behind the front edge of the B pillar.
  30. A total of only one person is allowed inside vehicle during testing run. Person must be seated in one of the front seats, or front bench seat. Please note Professional rule number 12 for all safety regulations.
  31. Nothing may interfere with the correct placement of the sensor on the windshield.
  32. Sensor must be clearly visible from the outside during the entire judging run of 30 seconds.

Pro Elite

  1. Unlimited commercially available Amplifier Power.
  2. Unlimited commercially available Speaker Cone Area.
  3. Battery voltage limited to 19 volts. Custom built batteries or banks are allowed.
  4. Battery Boxes are allowed.
  5. Custom Camper Shells are allowed. Must maintain "similar" to OEM Shell Specs, No more then an 8" rise from the vehicles cabin roof, may not extend past the vehicles side rails.
  6. Front and side windows are unlimited thickness. Side windows are not required to roll down.
  7. Vehicle must be able to enter the into judging lane on its own engine power.
  8. Enclosure build including speakers must remain behind the front edge of the "B" Pillar, Judge may use discretion to classify competitor if the String test does not pass.
  9. Center consoles are allowed up to 24 inches in height. Width is limited. A minimum of a 12" distance must be open between the center console and each door surface.
  10. Foot wells may be closed off. Two standard bucket seat must be able to fit as a reference in front seating area as noted in rule 7.
  11. Steering wheel may be removed during scoring runs.
  12. Dash may be altered or customized.
  13. Source unit and all amplifiers must be unplugged or non operative and not turned on while mic jig is being placed on windshield for judging purposes.
  14. Any competitors exceeding a 160db will be SUGGESTED,NOT MANDATED, to control their system from outside the vehicle, whether it is by remote or some other type of means to control the sound. Infrared repeaters are available to allow addition range of wireless remotes. The intent of this rule is for your own safety. Headphones don't protect your chest, heart and lungs!  If a competitor chooses to remain inside the vehicle, he/she must sit in the drivers seat only, in a normal sitting position. Only The Competitor running the vehicle may sit in, not a firiend/teammate/spouse
  15. No seating needs to be present in the vehicle while judging period
  16. Safety restraints may be removed if and only if vehicle is not registered to be driven on public roadways.
  17. Wheels need to be choked in judging lanes if the vehicle is running during judging runs.
  18. Use of anything beyond a commercially available source unit, amplifier(s), speaker(s), and other stereo equipment to create any type of noise or pressure is forbidden.
  19. Use of any type of explosives is forbidden.
  20. Use of sound damping is allowed with no limits. Damping may also include steel, wood, fiberglass, kevlar, carbon fiber, sand, and concrete.
  21. Roof build downs forward of B pillar are allowed to Four inches.
  22. Door build out are allowed. Must be sure doors can freely open and close with the assumption that two standard bucket seats could fit properly into standard locations on both the driver and passenger side as in the center console rule #8 above.
  23. Mic cable must be able to freely pass into vehicle without pinching of the cable for judging purposes. Corking or plugging around cable is allowed after the sensor is set by judge.
  24. Vehicle floors may be cut behind the B Pillar to allow more equipment or enclosure area.
  25. Unlimited use of alternators running off the engine block are allowed. Use of brackets connected to the engine block are allowed.
  26. Supports for the front window glass must not be within three inches of the sensor location(right side of windshield).
  27. Aftermarket windshield must maintain a minimum area of 550sq" of the original factory windshield glass area.
  28. Nothing may interfere with the correct placement of the sensor on the windshield.
  29. Sensor must be clearly visible from the outside during the entire judging run of 30 seconds.

Professional Classes:

  • Pro -No Wall 5500 watt Clamp: Unlimited Cone Area, Unlimited Wattage rating - if equipment is located in a trunk or cargo area, then the measurement for the Enclosures, modifications, and all other stereo related equipment may not be taller than 25 inches from the lowest point of the floor in the trunk and/or cargo area., and extend to the inner edge of the b-pillar where it will have to pass a string test. If the enclosure, modifications, and all other stereo related equipment is soley in the cabin area, then measurement will be taken form the highest point of the floorboard at the b-pillar.(30" in Pickup Trucks from the highest point in the floor board at the b-pillar). The No Wall Class will have amplifiers clamped for power output. It is the competitors responsibility to maintain a wattage output under 5,500 watts. If the wattage output is greater then the 5,500 watts allowed, the score for that run will result in a 0. The Clamp No Wall class will follow the same install Rules as the Pro No Wall Class.
  • Pro Wall 5500 Watt Clamp: Unlimited Cone Area, Unlimited Wattage rating. The Pro Wall Class will have amplifiers clamped for power output. It is the competitors responsibility to maintain a wattage output under 5,500 watts. If the wattage output is greater then the 5,500 watts allowed, the score for that run will result in a 0. The Pro Wall Clamp Class will follow the same install rules as the Pro 1 and Pro 2 Classes.
  • Pro -No Wall: Unlimited Cone Area/ unlimited wattage - if equipment is located in a trunk or cargo area, then the measurement for the Enclosures, modifications, and all other stereo related equipment may not be taller than 25 inches from the lowest point of the floor in the trunk and/or cargo area., and extend to the inner edge of the b-pillar where it will have to pass a string test. If the enclosure, modifications, and all other stereo related equipment is soley in the cabin area, then measurement will be taken form the highest point of the floorboard at the B-Pillar(30" in Pickup Trucks from the highest point in the floor board at the b-pillar)
  • Pro 1: 1-530 sq"
  • Pro 2: 531+ sq"
  • Elite: Unlimited Cone Area - Follow same install and equipment rules and restrictions as the Pro Wall Class, however in front of the b pillar is allowed: roof build down of 2 inches, Door build out of 1" is allowed, Sunroof delete is allowed, and the Factory Headliner, Floor carpet, A Pillar panels, factory door panels are not mandatory, however door must maintain functional
  • Pro Elite: Unlimited


Section 11: SPL Open Format

  1. All vehicles are required to complete two 30 second runs. No additional attempts or reruns. A rerun will only be granted by the head judge if there is a malfunction with sound recording equipment(Termlab, computer, etc...).
  2. Final total score will be the sum of the two 30 second Peak SPL readings.
  3. For the 30 second SPL scoring run - The competitor's choice of music/track(s), straight test tones or sweeps are allowed to be used during this scoring period.
  4. Vehicle must be able to drive into judging lane by its own power.
  5. Minimum of one front door or one front window must be fully open and unobstructed during the entire duration of each 30 second scoring run.
  6. Scoring will be recorded with the sensor in the same exact location as the regular SPL rules using the tenths placement of the decimal point.

       • Open Stock (5500 Watts Clamp) - This class MAY follow the same install and equipment rules of the Rookie, Woofercooker, and other STOCK builds

       • Open Pro No Wall - This class MAY follow the same install and equipment rules as the Trunk and Pro No Wall Classes.

       • Open Wall 10k Class(10k and under) - This class will follow the same install rules as the Pro and Elite wall classes.

       • Open Wall 20k Class(10,001 - 20K) - This class will follow the same install rules as the Pro and Elite wall classes.

       • Open Wall 20K+ Class (20,001+) - This class will follow the same install rules as the Pro and Elite wall classes.

       • Open Wall Pro Elite - Unlimited Wattage, This class will follow the Pro Elite Install Rules     


Section 12: 20hz Turbulence - Open Class

  1. All vehicles are required to complete two 30 second runs. No additional attempts or reruns. A rerun will only be granted by the head judge if there is a malfunction with sound recording equipment(Termlab, SPL Lab, computer, etc...).
  2. Final total score will be the sum of the two 30 second Peak SPL readings.
  3. For the 30 second SPL scoring run - The competitor's choice of music/track(s), straight test tones or sweeps are allowed to be used during this scoring period.
  4. Vehicle must be able to drive into judging lane by its own power.
  5. There is no classing based on wattage, cone area, electrical components or voltage, vehicle, competition experience, profession, etc...
  6. Minimum of one front door or one front window must be fully open and unobstructed during the entire duration of each 30 second scoring run.
  7. Scoring will be recorded with the sensor in the same exact location as the regular SPL rules using the tenths placement of the decimal point.
  8. Engine RPM of 2000 maximum during entire 30 second runs.
  9. Hearing protection Suggested over 160db.
  10. No set limit of persons touching the vehicle during scoring run.
  11. Scoring will be based off a 20hz tone. For every frequency above 20hz, a point will be subtracted from the base score. For every frequency below 20hz, a bonus point will be added to the base score. Frequency recorded will be based off what the Termlab/SPL Lab/etc displays


          1. A competitor records a score of 155db at 25hz. His 20hz Turbulence score will now be 150db.

          2. A competitor records a score of 150db at 18hz. His 20hz Turbulence score will now be 152db.


Section 13: BassBrawlin Format

  1. All vehicles are required to complete two 30 second runs. No additional attempts or reruns. A rerun will only be granted by the head judge if there is a malfunction with sound recording equipment(Termlab, computer, etc...).
  2. There is no classing based on wattage, cone area, electrical components or voltage, vehicle, competition experience, profession, etc...
  3. 1 BassBrawlin class per vehicle per show.
  4. A minimum of one front door or one front window must be fully open and unobstructed during the entire duration of each 30 second scoring run.
  5. Rear doors, rear windows, hatch, sun roof, and/or the trunk lid are optional to be open during the scoring run.
  6. Scoring will be recorded with the sensor in the same exact location as the regular SPL rules.
  7. Scoring will be taken using the 100ths decimal point.
  8. The scoring runs will consist of 2-30 second these runs will record a 30 second average.
  9. Musical tracks that show DISTINCT frequency movement from left to right or right to left on the spectrum analyzer feature are to be used
  10. Engine RPM of 2000 maximum during entire 30 second runs.
  11. Hearing protection Suggested over 160db.
  12. No set limit of persons touching the vehicle during scoring run.
  13. Competitors will be classified into their BassBrawlin class based on the score of their first run.
  14. A first qualifying:
    Score of  90.00 db  to 130.00 db places competitor into the 260 class.
    Score of 130.01 db to 140.00 db places competitor into the 280 class
    Score of 140.01 db to 150.00 db places competitor into the 300 class.
    Score of 150.01 db to 155.00 db places competitor into the 310 class.
    Score of 155.01 db to 160.00 db places competitor into the 320 class.

    Final score will consist of both run one and run two scores being added together.
    Once the initial run is taken the intent now is to score a perfect score based on your acquired class without going over the set number of your class.

    The winner of each class will be the one individual who achieves the max number or closest to the maximum number after both runs for the class in which they qualify in without going over the set class number. Example 260, 280, 300,310, or 320.
    Anyone who goes over their maximum number for the class they qualify in will be placed behind all competitor in that class who do not exceed the maximum class number. An overage of 0.1db would place higher than a competitor for example exceeding by 0.2db, 0.3db, and so on. As you can see in the example below a final score in the 280 class of 267.40 would place higher than the score of 281.30.

Example Placement for BassBrawlin 280 class:

  • 1st Place 280.00 db
  • 2nd Place 279.80 db
  • 3rd Place 277.50 db
  • 4th place 267.40 db
  • 5th place 225.30 db(Example: 140.0 qualifying score then a breakdown during second run 85.3db)**No reruns**
  • 6th place 280.30 db
  • 7th place 281.30 db

In the case of a tie, each competitor tied will be given up to five minutes to prepare for their first tie breaking run.
In the case of an additional tie or ties after the first tie breaking run, any additional tie breaking run(s) will allow each competitor up to three minutes between runs.

If after three attempted tie breaking runs there is still a tie, each competitor will then be required to have both front doors or windows fully open and unobstructed during the entire duration of any additional tie breaking runs until there is a undisputed Bass Brawlin Champ.

BassBrawlin' Classes

  • 260 Class = 125.01 - 130db: Unlimited
  • 280 Class = 130.01 - 140db: Unlimited
  • 300 Class = 140.01 - 150db: Unlimited
  • 310 Class = 150.01 - 155.0db: Unlimited
  • 320 Class = 155.01 - 160.0db: Unlimited


Section 14: Demo Format

     The Demo Classes are not for the weak or faint of heart. NADBL is NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE TO VEHICLES OR EQUIPMENT, so enter at your own risk!!!

  1. All vehicles are required to complete a SINGLE 3 MINUTE run.
  2. Musical runs will have a 50hz cap(nothing above 50hz).
  3. Musical tracks that show DISTINCT frequency movement from left to right or right to left on the spectrum analyzer feature are to be used.
  4. No additional attempts or reruns, even on break down. A rerun will only be granted by the head judge if there is a malfunction with sound recording equipment(Termlab, computer, etc...).
  5. There is no classing based on cone area, electrical components or voltage, vehicle, competition experience, profession, etc..., Classing is strictly based of install.
  6. A minimum of one front door or one front window must be fully open during the entire duration of the 3 minute scoring run.
  7. Rear doors, rear windows, hatch, sun roof, and/or the trunk lid are optional to be open during the scoring run.
  8. Scoring will be recorded with the sensor in the same exact location as the regular SPL rules.
  9. Scoring will be taken using the 100ths decimal point.
  10. Engine RPM of 2000 maximum during entire 3 minute run.
  11. Hearing protection Suggested over 160db.
  12. No set limit of persons touching the vehicle during scoring run.
  13. The winner is the competitor with the highest 3 minute average.

         - Demo Animal class: Stock interior, all equipment must remain in cargo area and remain able to function(seats must latch). No electrical, wattage, or cone area limit. Walls are Prohibited.

         - Demo Beast class: No Wattage Limits. Class Will follow the Pro and Elite Class install regulations

         - Demo Monster class: No Wattage Limit. Class will follow the Pro Elite Class Install regulations



 Section 15Power Wheels Division:


   The Power Wheels division is meant to bring family interaction to the events. Not all events will have awards on hand, so if a competitor will be bringing their entry to a show, please contact the show promoter with ample time, so they can have an award on hand. Remember the most important aspect of this class is the children, they are our future so lets make sure they have fun while learning our hobby, and also learn sportsmanship.


  1. Vehicle has to be/been commercially available, no homemade vehicles.
  2. Vehicle has to remain able to drive and operate, but does not have to be driven into the lanes by sitting inside.
  3. Factory seat may be removed.
  4. All the components of the audio system must fit inside the shell(except the Head Unit and speakers designated for highs). There is no height limit for the enclosure, as long as vehicle remains safe, as deemed by a judge.
  5. NO MODIFICATIONS TO THE VEHICLE BODY,(may drill holes for wire runs and 2 layers of up to 100mil deadening).
  6. Podiums are allowed.
  7. Sensor placed in the floor board area by the competitor(Sensor is not to be placed directly in front of port if the port extends into the under dash area, it must be off to the side.)
  8. Parents are allowed to help Children drive, set up, tear down, and work the Head Unit


         **Kids Division(14 years and younger): 3000 rms amplifier, unlimited cone area, no lithium or super caps.

         **Adult Division: Unlimited Power, unlimited cone area, Lithium and super caps legal




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