TDH Lockhart/Johnson Memorial 3x NADBL
Team Deadly Hertz will be hosting our annual Jeff Lockhart & Tim Johnson Memorial Bass Competition, to commemorate our fallen members .
This show is being hosted for three main reasons. The first and main is to pay tribute and remember the names and lives of Jeff Lockhart and Tim Johnson. Number two is to bring the audio community together for a fun filled weekend of nonstop bass, friendly competition and a chance to hang out with all of our basshead friends and family. Three, to donate to Children’s hospital of Pittsburgh with funds raised from the show.
Tons of raffles, badass demos, fun competition and don’t forget about the awesome #TDHLIT after party Saturday night.
THIS IS A 2 DAY SHOW that will be held at Dominion Raceway
$20 for the weekend. We will have wristbands so make sure you keep and wear them all weekend.
Flat rate of $80 to compete. You can run 2 classes per org and if there is extra time, you can run an extra class.
The gates will open for our guests at 10am on Saturday and 10:30am on Sunday. Please line up using the two right lanes so that the left two lanes are open for vendors, judges, TDH members and staff to get through.
Orgs that we have lined up with the judges are:
NSPL-Matthew Giese & George Taschler
NADBL-Jeremy Smithers
ACCL-Jason Swain
MECA-Kevin Mayo
A special thank you to our sponsors and donators.
DC Audio
Brand X
BZRK Audio
Sundown Audio